Visit us

Historic and Vibrant. Timeless and Relevant.

At Zion, we are historically rooted in our theology and our practice. We believe that the timeless truths of the Bible are the most relevant truths for every age. 

Sunday Mornings are the hub of our ministry. The Bible teaches that when God's people gather, he meets with them to work. Worship is a conversation. God speaks to us, and we respond to him. When God speaks, he always speaks with life transforming power. So, expect great things to happen each Sunday morning!

Sunday Morning Worship, 9:30 am

Main Sanctuary

A nursery is provided for children up to age 3.

Additionally, we offer Kids' Worship during the sermon for children up to age 5.

If you wish to keep your children with you during worship, we welcome you to do so. 

We love having children in worship. A crying baby or restless child is a blessing to us.

Coffee/Donut Fellowship, 10:45-11:15 am

Brown Fulton Fellowship Hall

Sunday School, 11:15 am-12:00 noon

Adults: Discipleship Electives

Age appropriate classes and teaching are available for babies through high school students

what should i expect?

Frequently asked questions are answered below, but this list is by no means exhaustive. 

Please feel free to contact our church office at 931-381-1272 with any additional inquiries. 

  • Most of the time, we use a combination of old hymns and contemporary songs that center around the sermon text for that Sunday. We have drums, acoustic guitar, electric bass, and piano for our accompaniment.

  • We provide a nursery for newborns to 3 year olds. During the sermon, we have an age-appropriate Kids' Worship in a separate room for children ages 4-5. 

    That being said, we encourage parents to keep their children with them in worship. We love having children in the sanctuary - a crying baby or restless child is a blessing to us.

    A mother's room is available for nursing and changing infants. 

  • Whatever you'd like! You'll see people in suits and dresses, jeans and shorts, and everything in between.

  • We are glad you're willing to come. There is no clearer place for you to get a sense of what Christianity is all about than when Jesus' people gather to worship him. We work to anticipate your questions and treat them with dignity, and because we want you to understand the elements in our service, we stop from time-to-time to explain why we do what we do.

  • Welcome back. You'll find that we leave a lot of room for you to ask questions, wrestle with ideas, and even disagree. We also understand that many people have been hurt by the church and that the process of coming to know Jesus involves time and questions. You won't find us pressuring you to make "decisions" or have every issue decided. We're just glad you're here.