

The Pastor's Study is a series of weekly videos focusing on topics that don't necessarily fit into a Sunday morning. We'll be talking about things like how to study the Bible, where to begin with the Puritans or Augustine, and book recommendations that might be helpful.

We hope this is helpful for you and if you have things that you would love to hear Keaton dig into in this series, we would love to hear from you.

Community Bible REading (CBR) journal

Developed by Spiritual Dynamics Team at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Lakeland, Florida, the Community Bible Reading (CBR) program offers two schedules of Bible reading. The first plan allows you to read through the Bible in a calendar year by reading one New Testament chapter and three Old Testament chapters each weekday and three Old Testament chapters every weekend. The second plan allows you to read through the Bible in three years. Regardless of which plan you choose to use, the goal of the program is the same: that you develop a habit of and a love for Bible reading that lasts a lifetime.

A limited number of journals are available in the church office for $10 each. If cost is prohibitive, please take one as our gift to you.

Daily Bible Reading

Daily Prayer Guide

Journaling Guide