philosophy of counseling center ministry

The type of counseling done at the Zion Counseling Center is referred to as "lay biblical counseling." Our goal is to construct from the Bible a model and method to wisely help people in their struggles.

As lay biblical counselors, we seek to build strong relationships and help people apply biblical truth in ways that are meaningful and direction-giving. Our counseling is shaped by a Christ-centered view of human life as found in the Christian Scriptures, which takes seriously the physical, social, spiritual, and developmental nature of our difficulties.

We believe that people can be healed, strengthened, and built up as they grow in their relationship with Christ. However, this doesn't happen apart from our personal dependence on Christ and seeking His help. It is likely that we will recommend that you engage in some spiritual disciplines to enhance your relationship with God. 

If necessary, depending on the need, we will refer you to a professional who has more expertise than we do.

For our full philosophy of ministry, click here